Love Point Oysters
Love Point Oysters
Grown in Maine, harvested with love.

pure maine oysters

harvested with love


our oysters

Love Point Oysters is a small farm located in Harpswell, Maine where we proudly farm world-class oysters to highlight our inherent love of the natural world. Our oysters are carefully cultivated for over two years while they grow in the clean, cold waters of Casco Bay. Our oysters never touch the seafloor; instead they live in floating oyster bags where they are gently tumbled by rolling waves moving through the bay to develop deep cups and plump meats. Our sustainable husbandry method ensures a reliable supply of oysters that are fresh and elaborate. Love Points are distinctively bright, briny, and balanced.


Our Crew


Our farm

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Photos courtesy of Searching The Shadows


farm tours

We’d love to take you on a private visit to our farm.




Love is the point
